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Save Our Rivers

What is Rally for Rivers?

Rally for Rivers is a movement to save India’s lifelines. Sadhguru launched Rally for Rivers on September 3, 2017 to revitalize India’s rapidly depleting rivers, and personally drove over 9300 kms through 16 states to raise awareness about the dire situation.

Drawing thousands of people at over 180 public events, the Rally became the largest public-endorsed, mass awareness campaign in history. Supported by over 162 million people, Rally for Rivers is the world’s largest ecological movement today.

Rally for Rivers provides a comprehensive solution to save India’s rivers, and is unique in its structure as a primarily economic program with a significant ecological impact.

The “Revitalization of Rivers in India” Draft Policy Recommendation was handed over by Sadhguru to Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, after the culmination of the launch campaign on October 2, 2017.

Rally for Rivers is now focusing on rapid implementation of the solution through detailed studies and on-the-ground action in several states.

Isha Foundation

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